Document Automation: DocuSign integration

Automate your documents and DocuSign eSignatures

Easily integrate DocuSign in your automated processes

Docxpresso offers an integrated signature panel that may be sufficient for most cases but when a eIDAS or eSIGN compliant electronic signature is required Docxpresso offers a straightforward integration with DocuSign, world leader in remote electronic signatures with presence in 180 countries worldwide.

This allows for the complete management of the whole contract lifecycle:

  • template definition,
  • data integration from external/internal source,
  • direct collection of data from end users,
  • legally binding eSignatures,
  • notifications and
  • archiving

within Docxpresso.

DocuSign perfectly integrates within Docxpresso templates allowing for additional features like:

  • Truly flexible documents that may easily accomodate all required modifications within a negotiation.
  • Notifications to editors that may not be directly involved in the eSignature process.
  • Downloading of signed documents and evidence reports from the Docxpresso interface.
  • Tracking of all the processes required for the generation of the final agreement as well as the eSignature workflow.

Moreover you can enhance the digital identification process by including:

  • Webcam captured images
  • OTPs sent by SMS
  • Attached documentation like ID or passport scans, etc

All of this completely eliminates the need of a physical presence for the ratification of any agreement and greatly simplify the full integration of your business procedures into a virtual environment.

You may also very easily integrate Docusugn within your Wordptress site with the help of our “Document & Data automation” plugin (that you can download from here)

You may find detailed instructions on how to do so in the following videos:

If you have any question regarding DocuSign integration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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