With the help of Docxpresso you could easily manage the whole life cycle of your contracts within a single tool.
Creating the contract

There are many different types of situations:
- Contracts that may be predefined by the legal department and can be directly converted into Docxpresso templates.
- Contracts that may need a previous collaborative effort among different departments or people in your company.
- Contracts that may need a previous negotiation with a client or provider before being converted into a Docxpresso template.
In the first case the user may directly upload the document to the Docxpresso back office interface and start using it “out of the box”.
Beware that the fact that the document can be directly converted to a Docxpresso template does not mean that their contents can’t be dynamically set up. These documents may include clauses or whole chunks of the document that may be modified in real time depending on different user choices with the only condition that those behaviors may be predefined.
In the other two scenarios, before the document becomes a template it may be needed a collaborative/negotiation effort that can be easily carried out via our Docxpresso “Draft Module”. In these cases a previous version of the document may be edited collaboratively and when a consensus is achieved an authorized user may convert it by just the click of a button into a Docxpresso template ready to be used online.
Defining a workflow
Not all contracts need a predefined workflow but some of them do. For the latter you may predefine workflows in Docxpresso that allow you for:
- Defining all steps in the process.
- Notify all the agents in the process.
- Manage the actions that the user may perform like, for example, which elements in the document may be edited.
- Request validations.
Collecting data
The contracts may be completed in one or multiple steps and the required data may be obtained by:
- Preloading it from external data sources
- Direct user interaction with the document or an associated web form
It is important to stress that in order to participate in the completion and signing of any contract users do not need to be Docxpresso users or install any plugin in their bowsers. All the processes are “purely web”.
Like the modifiable parts of the contract may be predefined and limited by user we make sure that compliance is achieved and that the final document will conform to previously defined formats, structure and rules.
Docxpresso incorporates a simple eSignature panel out of the box, but this kind of signature is not “qualified” by eIDAS ore SIGN standards. (Beware that a simple eSignature still may be shown as evidence in court and it may be considered as enough with additional evidences in many cases.)
For achieveing the highest degrees of legal security Docxpresso integrates modules from approved eSignature providers, that offer you and your partners maximum legal security, among them:
- Docusign
- ValidatedID (remote and biometric signatures)
- Lleida.net
- Nodalblock
- BizLayer
All documents signed or not are archived within Docxpresso and can be downloaded at any time by authorized personnel or forwarded to the signers in case they lost their original copies.
Docxpresso uses an easy to use back-office interface with filters and searches that will allow you to find the required document in a matter of seconds.
All processes are securely protected by the highest standards so only authorized Docxpresso users and signer will be able to access the documents and data associated with the whole life cycle of a given contract.