Plain users may browse existing users but only users with admin privileges may create new users.
In order to browse the existing user list one should click on Users > Browse users and a paginated list of users will be shown. One may filter by name just by using the provided search box.
By clicking on any user we may access the corresponding profile data (if you are an admin user or the user itself you will find a link to edit the data) together with the list of uploaded templates by that user.

Create a new user
This functionality is only available to admin users.
By clicking the Users > Create user link of the main menu you will be redirected to a web form with all the required fields to create a new user:
- Username: this is just a unique alias for the user that will be used to identify him internally in the application.
- Name: the user real name.
- Position: the user position.
- Password: you must introduce a reasonably long (at least 6 chars) password. The user will be able to change it by himself afterwards.
- Confirm password: you should repeat the password to make sure that there were no unintentional misspelling.
- Email: the user email that will be used to login.
- Confirm email: you should repeat the email to make sure that there were no unintentional misspelling.
- Phone: the user phone number.
- Active user: if checked (default value) the user will be active and will be able to perform all actions permitted by his privileges.
- Role: it will determine the users privileges. There are 3 predefined roles:
- Admin: that enjoys full access to all functionality
- Editor: that may do almost everything but creating new users, groups or categories.
- User: in principle they only have read permissions.
- Description: a brief description of the user that may help other users to identify him.
- Image: A photo of the user that will be used in different formats and sizes to identify that user to their parties. If no image is provided a plain color image will be automatically supplied by the system.

Managing your own profile
You may edit your own user profile from your personal user web page that you can reach like the one of any other user (see above) or directly from the top of the main Docxpresso menu.

You have the following options available from the user menu:
- My profile: let you see your profile.
- New password: let you change your password to a new one.
- Edit profile image: let you edit the image you use for your profile
- Edit profile data: you may edit your username, name, position, phone and description.
NOTICE: if you edit a profile as an admin user you may also deactivate that user account and/or change the role of the user in addition to the above options.